Go Coast FY24 Quarter 3 Report
FY24 Quarter 3 (January 2024 – March 2024) saw the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge preservation project’s lane closures. But what a great opportunity to encourage the use of alternative transportation!
Here’s some highlights from Q3:
- WMPO staff worked with Wave Transit and NCDOT on a funding application to respond to the bridge lane closures. This resulted in increased RideMICRO service in Zone 1 (connecting Brunswick Co. to downtown Wilmington), and additional marketing funding for TDM options. Keep an eye out for Go Coast and Wave billboards around town!
- Local feasibility studies had some public input periods:
- Gullah Geechee Heritage Trail: The Gullah Geechee Heritage Trail feasibility study had 3 public meetings and a survey open in March to develop a preferred alignment for the trail as well as gauge public feedback about trail amenities. Learn more.
- Downtown Trail: Work for the Downtown Trail Phases 2 and 3 feasibility study is ongoing, with a public outreach period anticipated for late spring 2024. Learn more.
- Island Greenway: The WMPO is on the steering committee for the Island Greenway Paved Trail Feasibility Study in Kure Beach. There was a public meeting in March and there’s a survey open through April 20, 2024.
View the Full FY24Q3 report: